Youth Fellows Lead Campaigns to Advance U.S. Ocean Protections

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Youth leadership is critical to advancing meaningful ocean protection and building the momentum needed to achieve the goal of protecting 30% of United States’ waters by 2030 as outlined in the America the Beautiful vision.  

EarthEcho International’s OceanEcho 30x30 Fellowship provides a paid experience equipping six young ocean leaders with the tools, funding, and support to lead innovative community engagement campaigns to advance locally-driven ocean protections and the vision of America the Beautiful. The 2022 Fellowship class concentrated in key regions across the country, including Alaska, Puerto Rico, California, Hawai’i, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Fellows received campaign planning training and support from EarthEcho International, and guidance from the National Ocean Protection Coalition, as well as a network of local community partners: the Pacific Remote Islands Coalition, the Northern Chumash Tribal Council, the Surfrider Foundation, Friends of the Mariana Trench, and the Aleut Community of St. Paul Island. Through regular, virtual trainings and meetings, Fellows connected with and learned from their peers in the cohort while building skills to support their work.

Jude Litulumur leads a community forum on the Mariana Trench Marine National Monument with local high school students in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

From the creation of a museum exhibit focused on the Pacific Remote Islands expansion campaign in Guam, to conducting scientific research documenting marine species in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico to build support for a new marine protected area, Fellows led an innovative series of campaigns to mobilize youth leaders and their communities in support of expanded Marine National Monuments, new National Marine Sanctuaries, and locally-led marine protected area initiatives.

Meet our 2022 Fellows and read highlights from each of their efforts:

Follow EarthEcho International on social media @EarthEcho for additional updates on Fellows’ campaigns.

The 2022 OceanEcho 30x30 Fellowship is made possible with generous support from the National Ocean Protection Coalition.


Ocean Equity Collective: Language Guide


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